We’re taking on homelessness in Central Oregon.
And we need your help.
The number of unhoused people in Central Oregon has been rising for more than a decade. With a housing shortage and wages not keeping up with costs, more and more people are losing their homes.
We offer safe, legal, sanitary places for people living in vehicles and RVs to stay, take showers, and do their laundry.
But that’s not all. We help people get into stable housing, and we help them keep it.
Our impact in 2024:
People who moved from Safe Parking to stable housing in 2024.
People who had a safe place to sleep, keep their things, and work toward their goals in 2024.
Appointments for people to take a shower and do their laundry in 2024.
Households we’re helping keep their housing and build community at two low-income apartment complexes.
While that’s good news, it’s not enough.
Look where we’re headed.
Safe Parking
We’re coming to Bend! We’ll be opening an office and adding Safe Parking sites in Bend.
We’re also adding microshelters at some of our Safe Parking sites so people without an RV can have a safe place to spend the night. These garden shed-sized structures have heating, cooling, and beds. They’re a warm (or cool) step on the road to stable housing.
And be on the lookout for more Safe Parking sites in Redmond.
Mt. View Community Village
In 2025-26, we’re breaking ground on a community of 60 permanent homes for formerly unhoused people with a disability.
The Village will be more than just a place to sleep, with a garden, community center, dog park, classrooms, on-site case management and counseling, and more.
A Place to Play
While Safe Parking offers more stability than unauthorized parking, it’s not the same as living in a neighborhood.
So we’re building a playground at our family site in Redmond, along with a few other improvements.
We’re also launching an after-school program for the kids at our Redmond family site in partnership with Mountain View Fellowship.
Make an impact today
Your contribution provides safety, support,
and a path to wholeness.
Change you can see
Deschutes County featured our Safe Parking Program in a video on how the county was using American Recovery & Protection Act funds.
Our executive director, Rick Russel, talks about the change he sees in participants when they’re about to move into stable housing.
And our Peer Support Specialist, Colton Hill, pictured below, describes his move from program participant to supporting participants.